Monday, April 30, 2012

Website Copy - Myo Precision

This is copy I wrote for Myo Precision, a personal training and nutrition program in Ottawa.
Maryse, the owner and lead personal trainer and nutritionist, wanted copy that celebrated their Spring Rejuvenation program, contest and products. The copy was to be informative, highlight the value of the program in terms of what one could get out of participating, as well as the monetary value. It was my mission to introduce the new Qivana Metaboliq System products in a compelling, engaging format.

SPRING FORWARD & Rejuvenate your body
Welcome to the Spring Weight Loss Challenge!
It’s time to unlock the real you. Are you ready to make a small diet change that will allow your body to burn more fat than ever before? Here’s your chance to lose weight, feel amazing, and win a fabulous spring getaway! Spring is here, time to rejuvenate.

Spring Cleaning
If you are one of the many who have been frustrated with low success in dieting and have a hard time losing those last few pounds, this is going to change the game. This spring I invite you to discover Qivana Metaboliq System, a revolutionary new way to maximize your body’s ability to burn fat, naturally. I will be introducing the program this spring for free. Together let’s clean out your closet to make room for your new summer wardrobe.

What is Qivana Metaboliq System?
Qivana Metaboliq System is all about correcting metabolism. This system has been clinically proven and scientifically designed to reset your metabolism and kick-start weight loss. It is the first of its kind. And unlike many other weight-loss programs out there this one is designed to have long-lasting effects. Correcting your metabolism will allow you to burn more fat in everyday life. You will see amazing results that are healthier and sustainable.
Losing so much has never felt so good! Just ask Pam Human, who in 11 months has lost 116 pounds and gone from a size 22 to a size 10 using the Metaboliq System. “I am smaller, stronger, and more active and enegetic than I have ever been in my adult life. Losing this type of weight in less than a year is simply amazing to me,” says Pam, who just finished cleaning out her closet, again!

Why should I Correct my Metabolism?
Correcting your metabolism signals your muscles to burn more fat, faster. Having a faster metabolism allows lean muscles to thrive, not deteriorate, while the weight comes off. You will have more energy, less food cravings, and results that last.

How Does it Work?
The Qivana Metaboliq System incorporates 4 power foods scientifically engineered to set your metabolism on the fat-burning track. These foods contain amino acids and protein that interact with your body, protecting lean muscles, maximizing your body’s ability to burn fat, controlling hunger, and giving you energy.

Delicious Shakes
This is a meal replacement created to be the foundation of the Metaboliq system. The weight loss shakes contain the best fat-burning proteins and are nutritionally balanced to give your body what it needs, kick-starting the metabolism correcting process. Comes in delicious Chocolate and Vanilla!

Protein Power Bar
The protein power bar is a healthy, delicious snack or part of a Metaboliq meal that unlocks the benefits of the system. The bar is low fat, low carb, contains the best fat-burning proteins and amino acids and taste delicious. Baked in a hot oven, the bars provide unmatched taste and quality.

The boost is exactly that – a boost to your metabolism. Taking the boost capsules regularly can increase your metabolic rate, burn more calories - faster, boost fat loss and reduce your body weight.

Resist & Reduce Cravings
This is the really cool, unique part of the Qivana Metaboliq System. Resist uses a natural, Indian mint to control your sweet tooth. Any time you have a craving for a sugary treat you simply place it on your tongue and allow it to dissolve. This nifty herb is willpower on demand. Take it after meals or any time you feel the urge to indulge in a high calorie sugar treat.
You will see the best results if you incorporate these foods in the right combination with a healthy diet and exercise program, and I can help you with that – FREE
The best part of the spring program – besides your own great results – it’s FREE!
You purchase the Qivana Metaboliq System food and I will guide you along the 90 day program, at no charge. This is your chance to lose the winter weight, get your bathing suit body ready, and create a lasting change that will make you feel great. Your wallet will feel great too. Throughout the 3 months of the program you will only pay for your Qivana Metaboliq power food – that’s less than $10/day! And I’ll take all the guess work out – no ordering, no hassle. All the Qivana products will be sent directly to your home. Meanwhile I’ll be your coach to motivate, support and guide you through the 90 day challenge, all free! How often these days do we get anything for free?

Feeling good about correcting your metabolism? Show what You can do!


On April 15th the challenge begins! Show us that you’ve achieved the best results by the end of the program and you will win a (2 night) accommodation for 2 in a luxury condo at Mont Tremblant. A rejuvenated body and a vacation? Spring is looking fabulous.

My Promise to You
I’m really excited about this spring’s program and weight loss challenge. I know this is going to be a game changer for all of you and you will get the great results you’ve always wanted. Staying on the right track isn’t always easy, so to make sure you stay in it to win it, I’ll be there coaching you throughout the challenge! This is my promise to you.

Here are some extra effective tools you’ll get as part of the Power Circle to support you through the Spring Rejuvenation Weight Loss Challenge:
Starting Every Week Fresh – every Monday, I will share a video to begin exploring
fitness, strength and movement – without the gym!
Weekly articles and posts – EXCLUSIVE information that is important to YOU
My Library – I will share my library, discuss topics and help you get the information you need to reach your health goals

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